Jordan Lawlor is a producer and composer based in Los Angeles, touring and recording with the group M83 as well as with his own project, J. Laser.
We chatted with him about how he’s using the Prophet-6.
Jordan, what made you choose the Prophet-6?
“I like DSI because they cultivate a personal relationship with the musicians who use the tools they provide. There’s conversation with artists that most companies don’t have and I think that’s reflected in the personality and character of their instruments. I chose the Prophet-6 because I needed a modern workhorse synth that could act as the nucleus instrument in my studio. It has modern capabilities and functions mixed with something ineffably classic and ‘real.'”
How are you using it?
“We work in a studio filled to the brim with synths and mysterious boxes that deliver all kinds of electronic fascination. However, the Prophet-6 is never out of arm’s length for me. It’s the first synth I go to, and consistently delivers the sounds I’m hearing in my head. Pads, sequences, lead, and bass, it’s all covered here.“
What’s one of your favorite things about it?
“I really enjoy the classic layout and accessibility. The workflow is very fast when you are reaching for that perfect sound or in a jam situation creating movement by improvising with the synth’s parameters. The onboard effects are quite handy as well; you can create a fully realized patch on the face of the synth without any external processing, screen digging or mouse clicking.”
What does it give you that other instruments don’t?
“The blend of high- and low-pass filters is quite unique for achieving some very powerful timbres. The Slop knob can be dangerous but incredibly useful as well. The onboard distortion is grisly and very satisfying.”
Any interesting tricks or techniques you’d like to share?
“Turn on the spring reverb and give it a smack.“
For more information, check out the Prophet-6 product page here.
Find your local dealer for Prophet-6 pricing here.
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