Jamie Morden / GEOSynths

GEOSynths Sound Design has been established since 2017 and is owned and managed by Jamie Morden. With over 30 years’ experience within audio production, live performance and sound design, he has a wealth of knowledge and experience, together with a professional attitude to complete a project on time and on budget. Sound Design has been the focal point for Jamie, especially in recent years due to the revival of analog synthesizers and the advancements within digital synthesis.

Jamie has currently produced synth patch libraries for several hardware poly synths for both analog and digital Synthesizers, however he is keen to further this by creating synth libraries for software synthesizers as well. Jamie also has recently been providing Real-Time Sound Design Tutorials, showing how to make a variety of sounds from scratch, which can be found on his Patreon site.​

This video spotlight features GEOSynths patches for the Prophet-6, OB-6, Prophet 12, Prophet X, and Prophet Rev2:



GEOSynths YouTube page



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