Sequential is excited to announce that we have begun shipping the desktop module version of our Prophet Rev2 16-voice analog synthesizer. It boasts a sound engine identical to the keyboard version, with two DCOs and a sub oscillator per voice, Curtis filters, two types of sequencers, digital effects, and other enhancements designed to make it even more powerful that its predecessor, the now-retired Prophet ’08.
As Dave Smith explained: “The Prophet Rev2 has been embraced by the music community in a very big way. Apart from its awesome sound and 16-voice polyphony, a big part of the Rev2’s appeal is its ease of use. So we made sure the desktop version retained the same front panel controls as the keyboard. Whichever you choose, the Rev2 is a powerful creative tool and a real musical workhorse.”
The 16-voice Prophet Rev2 desktop module is available now with a US MAP of $1,799. An 8-voice version is available for $1,299 US MAP. The 8-voice version is user expandable to 16 voices with the optional Rev2 Expander Kit for $599 US MAP.
Read more about the Prophet Rev2 desktop module here.
See the official intro video for the Prophet Rev2 here.
Listen to the Prophet Rev2 here.